Odds and Ends
A hodge-podge of Chicago Chapter items. Some are old, some are new, but all of them have finally found a home on our site.
CAKE 2018
Brian Diskin and Brian Kelly visited the C.A.K.E (Chicago Alternative Comic Expo) Chicago event at the Center on Halsted the weekend of June 2-3. They met Johnny Sampson (Newest NCS Chicago national member) and Nicole Hollander (“Sylvia”) and Emil Ferris (“My Favorite Thing is Monsters” graphic novel) and some other talented young cartoonists from Virginia, Washington DC, and Louisville, KY.
And the 2017 Comics Industry Person of the Year is: Emil Ferris
It’s time to announce the annual Comics Industry Person of the Year, as voted on by industry peers. This is the person who moved the needle, made a difference and inspired others, and as you can see from the list of past winners at the bottom of this post, it’s a selection that our voters have always taken seriously.
Meet the Cartoon Artists and Illustrators of Fairfield …
A look at some of Connecticut’s most prominent cartoon artists and illustrators.
When Fairfield County Was the Comic-Strip Capital of the …
From the 1950s through the 90s, Fairfield County, Connecticut, was home to many of America’s best cartoonists and illustrators—the men responsible for “Beetle …
The Double Life of Peter Arno, The New Yorker’s Most …

Who is this guy…
what’s so funny…